Senin, 15 September 2014


terkadang "DIAM" adalah pilihan terbaik saat hati dan lidah lelah untuk berkata

Jangan terlalu bangga jika pacarmu mengatakan cinta, karena perasaan manusia itu layaknya sebuah musim berganti-ganti.
Kamu harus mencintai dirimu sebelum mencintai orang lain. Kamu harus peduli pada dirimu sebelum peduli pada orang lain

Tulusnya cinta, meski tak lagi bersama, kadang rasa benci hadir dalam dada, kamu tetap tak pernah melewatkan seharipun tanpa merindukannya

Minggu, 14 September 2014

Lucu hahaha

co : kamu tahu apa definisi dari indah ??
ce : mm..yg jelas indah itu cantik…
co : well bener sih, tp menurut gw …indah itu adalah saat dimana kita
ngga merasakan sedikit pun keburukan di dalamnya ..kmu pernah ngerasain
yg begitu ???
ce : mungkin kalee ya
co : klo aku sering bgt…dan itu adalah saat…..
diriku bersama dengan dirimu

Top of Form

A= Alay
B= Normal

A = Alluw kag! Leh knal? Ap kBrx? 

B = Wa'alaikumsalam Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh. .. 
Dengan hormat, sampainya pesan ini, saya akan memberitahukan bahwa kabar saya baik-baik saja....
Maaf beribu-ribu maaf, Ini gerangan nomer siapa ya?
Kok acap kali sms nomernya ga ke save ya? (bales sepanjang mungkin)

A = Owh ea muuph lupa ng@s1h s4L4m,,,, Ini EnDoet LuThuwna EmbeM C@ianK
Cmu@na. Inged gag kag? Eh, kug blzna pjg bgd ch? Gi ng4ps?

B = Yaiyalah panjang.... Lagian ga dibayar perhurup inih! Gw lagi mabok
nerjemahin kata2 lo nih. Keypadnya ilang2an ya? Oh elo.... Eh, siapa tadi?
Tembem semua? Perasaan temen-temen gw kalopun ada yang tembem paling
sebagian dipipi doang. Ga sampe seluruh badan dah.

A = Huft ...Plz dund...bkn t3mb3m cmu4, tp ’emb3m c@iank cMuana’. W AD
klaz xmp lw dlu. J4h@d bgd d3ch......fufufuuu :’(

B = Yeeee mana gw apal. Adek kelas gw kan ada banyak. Bayangin misal 
sekelas ada 25 murid cewe. Dikali 9 kelas. Nah, itung ndiri dah tuh ada
berapa! Itu belom dari sekolah2 laen. Mereka kan gw anggep adek kelas gw
semua walopun mereka ga nganggep gw. Coba? Masa iya gw apalin atu2. Lu
kira gw petugas sensus! Eh itu sebenernya huruf ’a’ mau lo ganti apasih?
Jadi angka 4 apa a keong (@)? Satu aja ribet apalagi dua gw bacanya.
Plin-plan lo ah

A = Ea mu’uph kag.... Abzn udh kbi@s44n kag. Jng mrh dund... hix... hix...
Oh ea y.. Kn ad bnyk ea... muv dh muv.. Eh kag, w inged loh qt dlu prNh
kut xkul PeNcak sLt bReng jG.

B= Jorok lo ah

A = Pencak SILAT kak!!!

B = Ooohhh.... Nah itu bisa nulis bener

A = Tp w kluwar paz 5aBuk quNink. Gag kwt. Uji4nna bRad bGd

B = Gw ga pernah ikut pencak silat. Gw ikut cheers. Yang dipaling atas 
formasi piramida kan gw. Lagi pula kalo gw ikut pencak silat, sabuknya ga

A = Iyh yng bn3r kag? Bc4nd@ aj dh wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk! !!

B = Etdah lo ketawanya serem amat kayak burung gagak. 

A = Eh kag BTW n0m3r hpx kog ckep amad ch? Ky orangx

B = Nama gw bukan betawi. 

A = Mksd w ’by the way’

B = Kenapa emang JALANnya? 


B = Oh... ga tau nih.. Beruntung aja dapet nomer bgini

A = Dpt dri m4n4 kag?

B = Hadiah es orson. Penting amat

A = Kag kuq fesbukx lum d k0nfr1m?

B = Confirm! Bukan Kon-frim! Oh yang foto profilnya dari atas sambil 
manyun2 itu lo ya? Gw kira fanpage-nya Suneo. Belom-belom. Ntar deh kalo
angel foto lo udah bener. Eh, unyeng2 lo ada 5 ya? Ampe keliatan. Banyak
amat. Situ pake ekstensen unyeng2?

A = Iyh ka2g bC@nd4 aj@ dh. 1tukan age’ ngetrend kag futu dri @ta5. Mak1n
gaG kli4t@n mukax, makin keyenz!

B = Yaiyalah. Gimana mau keren kalo muka lo keliatan. Coba dong 
sekali-sekali foto profilnya diganti pake fotokopi. Burem, perkecil,
bolak-balik. gitu.

A = Mangx uj14n!

B = Biar ga keliatan muke lu. Katanya makin ga keliatan makin kerennn...
Gw yakin asli lo ga sebagus di foto kan? Nih udah gw confirm. Eh, itu
foto2 lo banyak banget yang jari tangan angka satu dimulut. Lagi ngelonin
orok sapa lo? ya ampun.. Lo ga juling foto dari atas semua?

A = Gag. Udh b1aza k0g. Eh, kag mang gi onlen ea? Onlen d kul ap dihumz?

B = Eh kalo bahasa alaynya �onlen di WC SPBU� apaan? Salah semua tuh
option lo

A = Ih... kakak joyokkkk...

B = Kadir ga diajak?

A = Itu Doyok kaaaggg.... Yah, w lgi gaG onlen niyh kag. Cb klo qt sm�
onlen, kn bs chat b4r3ng

B = Kita? Lo aja kali ama kawan2 lo. Lagian yang minta lo biar onlen 

A = Hix..Hix...Jahad :’( Kag kug lum bubu siyh? Kn udh mlm. Mang lum
ngantug ea?

B = Gw ga pernah ikut MLM deh 

A = ’Malem’ Kag maksudx....

B = Udah gede ini. Lagian sembari ngelembur ngerjain tugas nih.

A= Cemangadh!

B = Hdagnamec

A = Paan tuch Kag???

B = Tulisan lo gw balik. Bingung gw nanggepin bahasa lo. Eh tulisan lo
bisa di normalin dikit ga? Sedikiiit aja demi gw

A = Oh ea deh kag..

B = Eh, ko gw baca status-status lo semuanya ngambil dari lirik-lirik lagu
ya??? Keabisan ide lo? Mana udah di ’Like’-in sendiri, trus ga ada yang
comment pula.

A = Eaaa... Abisan w suka bgd kag sm lgu it. Co cweet bgd dech. It jga da
lgu� knangan sm mantan w dlu

B = (Emang gw pikirin).

A = Ohiya kag! Bsk lusa jm 9 pgi d �salah satu stasiun tv� nntn w ya!

B = Itu kan acara live musik itu kan?! Yang penontonnya satu panggung sama
artis/bandnya. Trus sambil nari2 kompak banget dibelakangnya. Lo jadi
artis toh sekarang? Grup band lo apa namanya? Salut gw. Pasti lo jadi
vokalisnya ya? Apa lo soloist?

A = Bukan kag, gw jadi penontonx.

B = Huh?!!!!!!! (Keselek) 

A = Ea, yng pnting msk tv kag! Gw ma rombongan udh nyiapin tarianx lho
kag. Biar kompak nnti narix. Nama tarianx �Ngucek-Jemur- Ngucek-Jemur�. Tau
dund kag ky gmana. Gag ngaruh deh mw bandx apa aliranx apa.

B = Trus kalo bandnya metal gimana??? Masa lo mau tetep joget

A = Ya gag ap kag. Lgan band metal mah gag mgkin d hadirin kag. Kyk ga tau
aja kag..

B = Yaudah deh, selamat joget ya. Kakak mo tidur dulu. Oia, besok lusa,
pagi2 kakak ga bisa nonton situ joget �Ngucek-Jemur�. Soalnya kakak sibuk
mau bikin anyam2an sedotan. Babay!

A = Bye... Met bubu kag. Eh kag, ntr jm2 bolax pa?

B = Hah?! Lo suka nonton bola pagi2 juga? 

A = Yaelah bgadang nntn bola wajar x kag

B = Lo cowo apa cewe sih?! 

A = Cow. Mang np?

B = Lah itu foto2 difesbuk?! 

A = Itu mantan� w kag. Fto w d album �Juzt Me�

B = ............ ......... ......... .......

A = Kag?

B = Eh iya sori. Udahan dulu ya. Gw baru ngeliat UFO nih. Bye!



In love, no need to find someone perfect, but someone who loves what they are, who make you feel perfect.
Dalam cinta, tidak perlu untuk menemukan yang sempurna, tetapi seseorang yang mencintaimu apa adanya dan membuat kamu merasa sempurna

Read more:

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Biografi Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is a multi-Grammy award-winning American singer/songwriter who, in 2010 and at the age of 20, became the youngest artist in history to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year In 2011, Swift was named Billboard's Woman of the Year. Additionally Swift has been named the American Music Awards Artist of the Year, as well as the Entertainer of the Year for both the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music, among many other accolades. As of this writing, she is also the top-selling digital artist in music history.

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading Pennsylvania, to Andrea (Finlay), a one-time marketing executive, and Scott Kingsley Swift a financial adviser. She has English, German, Irish, Scottish, and 1/16th Italian, ancestry.

Taylor was named after
James Taylor, and her mother believed that if she had a gender neutral it would help her forge a business career. Taylor spent most of her childhood on an 11 acre Christmas tree farm in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. When Taylor was nine years old, the family moved to Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, where she attended West Reading Elementary Center and Wyomissing Area Junior/Senior High School. Taylor spent her summers at her parent's vacation home at the Jersey Shore. Swift's first hobby was English horse riding. Her mother put her in a saddle when she was nine months old and Swift later competed in horse shows. At the age of nine, Taylor turned her attention to musical theatre and performed in Berks Youth Theatre Academy productions of Grease, Annie, Bye Bye Birdie and The Sound of Music. She traveled regularly to Broadway, New York for vocal and acting lessons. However, after a few years of auditioning in New York and not getting anything she became interested in country music. At the age of eleven, after many attempts Taylor won a local talent competition by singing a rendition of LeAnn Rimes's "Big Deal", and was given the opportunity to appear as the opening act for Charlie Daniels at a Strausstown amphitheater. This interest in country music isolated Swift from her middle school peers.

At the age of twelve, Swift was shown by a computer repairman how to play three chords on a guitar, inspiring her to write her first song, "Lucky You". She had previously won a national poetry contest with a poem entitled "Monster in My Closet" but now began to focus on songwriting. Taylor moved to Nashville at the age of fourteen, having secured an artist development deal with RCA Records. Taylor left RCA Records when she was fifteen, the company wanted her to record the work of other songwriters and wait until she was eighteen to release an album, but she felt ready to launch her career with her own material. At an industry showcase at Nashville's The Bluebird Café in 2005, Swift caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, a Dreamworks Records executive who was preparing to form his own independent record label, Big Machine Records. Taylor was one of the new label's first signings.

Taylor released her debut album "Taylor Swift" in October of 2006 and received generally positive reviews from music critics. The New York Times described it as "a small masterpiece of pop-minded country, both wide-eyed and cynical, held together by Ms. Swift's firm, pleading voice". Her single "Our Song" made Swift the youngest sole writer and singer of a number one country song. The album sold 39,000 copies during its first week. In 2008 Taylor released her second studio album "Fearless". The lead single from the album, "Love Story", was released in September 2008 and became the second best-selling country single of all time, peaking at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Four more singles were released throughout 2008 and 2009: "White Horse", "You Belong with Me", "Fifteen" and "Fearless". "You Belong with Me" was the album's highest-charting single, peaking at number two on the Billboard Hot 100. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 Album Chart. It was the top-selling album of 2009 and brought Swift much crossover success.

In September 2009, Swift became the first country music artist to win an MTV Video Music Award when "You Belong with Me" was named Best Female Video. Her acceptance speech was interrupted by rapper Kanye West, who had been involved in a number of other award show incidents. West declared Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated in the same category, to be "one of the best videos of all time". When Beyoncé later won the award for Video of the Year, she invited Taylor onstage to finish her speech. In November 2009, Taylor became the youngest ever artist, and one of only six women, to be named Entertainer of the Year by the Country Music Association. Taylor released her third studio album in October 2010 "Speak Now" and she wrote all the songs herself. She originally intended to call the album Enchanted but Scott Borchetta, her record label's CEO, felt the title did not reflect the album's more adult themes. Swift toured throughout 2011 and early 2012 in support of Speak Now. As part of the thirteen-month, 111 date world tour, Swift played seven shows in Asia, twelve shows in Europe, 80 shows in North America and twelve shows in Australasia. Three dates on the US tour were rescheduled after Swift fell ill with bronchitis. The stage show was inspired by Broadway musical theatre, with choreographed routines, elaborate set-pieces, pyrotechnics and numerous costume changes. Swift invited many musicians to join her for one-off duets during the North American tour. Appearances were made by James Taylor, Jason Mraz, Shawn Colvin, Johnny Rzeznik, Andy Grammer, Tal Bachman, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj, Nelly, B.o.B., Usher, Flo Rida, T.I., Jon Foreman, Jim Adkins, Hayley Williams, Hot Chelle Rae, Ronnie Dunn, Darius Rucker, Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney. In May 2012 Taylor featured in B.o.B's song "Both of Us".

Swift's fourth studio album, Red, was released on 22 October 2012.She wrote nine of the album's sixteen songs alone; the remaining seven were co-written with Max Martin, Liz Rose, Dan Wilson, Ed Sheeran and Gary Lightbody. Nathan Chapman served as the album's lead producer but Jeff Bhasker, Butch Walker, Jacknife Lee, Dann Huff and Shellback also produced individual tracks. Chapman has said he encouraged Swift "to branch out and to test herself in other situations"she has described the collaborative process as "an apprenticeship" which taught her to "paint with different colors". Red examines Swift's attraction to drama-filled relationships; she believes that, since writing the record, such relationships no longer appeal to her. Musically, while there is some experimentation with "slick, electronic beats", "the pop sheen is limited to a handful of tracks sprinkled among more recognisably Swiftian fare". Rolling Stone enjoyed "watching Swift find her pony-footing on Great Songwriter Mountain. She often succeeds in joining the Joni/Carole King tradition of stark-relief emotional mapping ... Her self-discovery project is one of the best stories in pop." The Guardian described Swift as a "Brünnhilde of a rockstar" and characterized Red as "another chapter in one of the finest fantasies pop music has ever constructed". USA Today felt that the "engaging" record saw Swift "write ever-more convincingly -- and wittily and painfully -- about the messy emotions of a young twenty something nearing the end of her transition from girl to woman". The Los Angeles Times noted the exploration of "more nuanced relationship issues" on "an unapologetically big pop record that opens new sonic vistas for her".

As part of the Red promotional campaign, representatives from 72 worldwide radio stations were flown to Nashville during release week for individual interviews with Swift. She made television appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America, The View, the Late Show with David Letterman, Nightline and 20/20: All Access Nashville with Katie Couric. She performed at Los Angeles's MTV VMAs and London's Teen Awards, and will also perform at Nashville's CMA Awards, Frankfurt's MTV Europe Music Awards, Los Angeles' AMA Awards and Sydney's ARIA Music Awards. Swift offered exclusive album promotions through Target, Papa John's and Walgreens. She became a spokesmodel for Keds sneakers, released her sophomore Elizabeth Arden fragrance,and continued her partnerships with Covergirl, Sony Electronics and American Greetings, as well as her unofficial brand tie-ins with Ralph Lauren and Shellys. The album's lead single, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", was released in August 2012. The song became Swift's first number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, recording the highest ever one-week sales figures for a female artist. Two further singles have since been released: "Begin Again" (country radio) and "I Knew You Were Trouble" (pop and international radio).In her career, as of May 2012, Swift has sold over 23 million albums and 54.5 million digital tracks worldwide.

Swift is only beginning to emerge as an acting talent, having voiced the role of Audrey in the animated feature
The Lorax (2012). She also made appearances in the theatrical release Valentine's Day (2010) and in an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000) She contributed two original songs to The Hunger Games (2012) soundtrack: "Safe & Sound featuring The Civil Wars" and "Eyes Open".