Minggu, 23 November 2014

Teen Age Love

It is said that the teen age is the age when a person’s mind is affected by a single incident. When children become teenagers they want to experience everything. Their thinking develops rapidly. They think whatever they do is right and they have right over everything. Friendship and love is very common in teen age. Teenagers get involved in things and believe it is not wrong. Here is a story that proves that love is not wrong when it is true.

Lara, is a girl who lives in the small town of Bloomsbury in Central London. She is about the age of 17. Although she was not so beautiful but was attractive in inner beauty. Her father died because of Tuberculosis. She is a very cheerful girl. She likes to enjoy her life. She does not care what the people around her say. She has 4 best friends in her HIGH SCHOOL to which she shares everything.

Her friends were all having their boyfriends but she always used to say that she will make that boy her friend who will attract her and will always remain loyal to her and will never lie to her, and her friends always say that she will never find a guy like that, but one day her wish came true. One day when she was going out she met a guy of her age on the stairs of her apartment. That guy told her that he was new in that town, shifted a few days before with his parents, and he could not find a friend so offered her friendship.

On that moment she remembered that he was the same guy whom she saw playing with small kids in the garden and this quality attracted her and she accepted his friendship. They become good friends. They share everything with each other and in those days she realizes that she found her guy because he has every quality that she wants. And on the other side there was the same condition of boy as well. Their friendship was amazing, they help each other on every moment, their habits, their likes and dislikes were all the same.

They spend time with each other talking and knowing more about each other. Their friendship soon turned into love, a true love in which there was loyalty, trust, respect and belief. The best part of their love is their love does not depend on outer beauty which will vanish in time. And after a few years they got married till they reached their adult age and lived happily.

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

Ending Cinderella

When Cinderella arrived at the ball she looked so beautiful that everyone wondered who she was! Even the ugly sisters. The Prince of course asked here to dance with him and they danced all evening. He would not dance with anyone else. Now Cinderella was enjoying the ball so much that she forgot her fairy godmothers warning until it was almost midnight and the clock began to strike. One. Two. Three. She hurried out of the ballroom. Four. Five. Six. As she ran down the palace steps one of her glass slippers fell off. Seven. Eight. Nine. She ran on toward the golden coach. Ten Eleven Twelve. Then there was Cinderella in her old dress. The golden pumpkin lay in her feet. And scampering down off down the road were six grey mice, a whiskered rat and six green lizards.. So Cinderella had to walk home and by the time the ugly sisters returned home was sitting quietly by the fire.
Now when Cinderella ran from the palace, the prince tried to follow her and he found the glass slipper. He said, “I shall marry the beautiful girl whose foot fits this slipper and only her. IN the morning the prince went from house to house with the glass slipper and every young lady tried to squeeze her foot into it. But it didn’t’ fit any of them.

At last the prince came with his brother to Cinderella’s house.
Two sisters tried glass slipper, but no match, then Cinderella tried it and ended up matching shoes. Cinderella will marry the Prince.
But suddenly, when you're setting up a party at the palace,
Cinderella saw the brother of the prince approached him and found him of bewitched  Cinderella to want to marry him, because he was very envious of Prince.
Unconsciously Cinderella went with him and they were married but with the state of the Cinderella magi
And finally
the Prince also looks sad and confused because the loss of Cinderella. Prince was frustrated and finally decided to commit suicide prince in the palace. And the situation so spooky and haunted palace, and all who live there moved to another palace.


Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella and she had two ugly step sisters who were very unkind who made her do all the hard work. She had to sweep the floors, do all the dishes, while they dressed up in fine clothes and went to lots of parties.
One day a special invitation arrived at Cinderella’s house. It was from the royal palace. The king’s only son was a truly handsome prince was going to have a grand ball. Three girls were invited to come. Cinderella knew she wouldn’t be allowed to go to the ball. But the ugly sisters, ho ho ho, they were excited. They couldn’t talk about anything else.

When the day of the ball came, they made such a fuss. Poor Cinderella had to rush about upstairs and downstairs. She fixed their hair in fancy waves and curls. She helped them put on their expensive new dresses. And she arranged their jewels just so. As soon as they had gone, Cinderella sat down by the fire and she said. “Oh I do wish I could go to the ball”. The next moment, standing beside her was a lovely old lady with a silver wand in here hand. “Cinderella, she said ” I am your fairy godmother and you shall go to the ball. But first you must go into the garden and pick a golden pumpkin, then bring me six mice from the mousetraps, a whiskered rat from the rat trap, and six lizards. You’ll find the lizards behind the watering can.
So Cinderella fetched a golden pumpkin, six grey mice, a whiskered rate, six lizards. The fairy godmother touched them with her wand and the pumpkin became a golden coach, the mice became six grey horses, the rat became a coachman with the most enormous moustache, and the lizards became six footmen dressed in green and yellow, then the fairy godmother touched Cinderella with the wand and her old dress became a golden dress sparkling with jewels while on her feet was the prettiest pair of glass slippers ever seen. Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. “Thank you fairy godmother” said Cinderella and she climbed into the coach.

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014




Cintaku akan tetap tercurah padamu
Kasih sayangmu yang telah kau beri
Takkan pernah aku lupakan

Pengorbananmu akan selalu ku kenang
Jerih payahmu selalu ku ingat
Cucuran keringatmu selalu terbayang

Tutur katamu selalu ku dengar
Kebijaksanaanmu selalu ku lihat
Kerendahanmu selalu terbayang

Aku sangat mencintaimu
Selalu merindukanmu
Selalu dan selalu,,


Setiap jejak langkahmu ku ikuti
Kemanapun kau pergi ku selalu menemani
ku tahu langkah demi langkah yang kau jejaki
Karena aku selalu berada disampingmu

Namun sekarang hanya langkahku
Jejak kaki mungil yang tak berteman
Sendiri melangkah ke depan
Tanpa jejakmu menemani jejakku

Namun ku tahu rencana Tuhan
Kita akan dipertemukan nanti
Ditempat yang lebih indah tentunya
Dan kita akan melangkah bersama lagi

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014


(Menuju dan Membentuk Keluarga Sakinah)

1). Lelaki gemar diberi perhatian akan hal-hal yang remeh yang berkaitan dengan dirinya. Dia akan senang bila istrinya mengenakan kancing bajunya, mengelap sepatunya, memotong kukunya, dan sebagaiya. Sabda Rasulullah SAW, “Ya Fathimah, barangsiapa wanita meminyakkan rambut dan
janggut suaminya serta memotong kumisnya dan mengerat kukunya, maka Allah akan memberikan minuman air dari sungai-sungai di surga, diringankan baginya sakaratul maut, kuburnya akan didapati menjadi taman surga, Allah akan mencatatkannya bebas dari api neraka, dan selamat titian shirat.”
2). Pernahkah Anda dipanggil suami ketika Anda memasak? Anda wajib memenuhi panggilannya. Jika perlu, segera matikan api dan tunaikan permintaannya.
3). Kebanyakan lelaki cukup cerewet dengan kebersihan. Mereka akan bosan apabila isterinya menyambutnya dengan rupa yang semrawut, kusut, dan anak-anak yang lusuh dan kumal “bak kapal pecah dan berantakan”.
4). Lelaki suka dilayani seperti raja oleh isterinya yang memiliki sifat keibuan. Dia suka isterinya mengelap peluhnya, menyediakan keperluan untuk mandi, dan berdiri ketika ia hendak pergi dan kembali.
5). Lelaki suka dipuji. Jangan lupa hargai setiap barang pemberiannya meskipun tidak bagus atau tidak seberapa nilainya.
6). Lelaki akan bosan jika isterinya melulu menagih janji. Mau makan apa, hendak kemana, dan lain-lain.
7). Ada sebagaian lelaki mengatakan, “Isteri yang menghidangkan makanan tanpa menemaninya makan adalah memberi makan kucing.” Anda mesti menemaninya meskipun satu suapan. Thabit Al-Banani berkata, “Terdapat seorang wanita dari Bani Israil yang buta sebelah matanya dan sangat baik pekertinya terhadap suaminya. Apabila dia menghidangkan makanan di hadapan suaminya, dipegangnya pelita sampai suaminya selesai makan.
Pada suatu malam pelitanya kehabisan sumbu. Lalu diambil rambutnya untuk dijadikan sumbu. Esok harinya matanya kemballi melihat. Allah memuliakannya karena rasa hormatnya pada suami.”

8). Lelaki senang dengan kefasihan isterinya dalam berkata, bijak dalam bertindak, dan menjadi partner dalam diskusi. Dia akan muak terhadap wanita yang banyak omong tetapi tak bermakna.
9). Kebanyakan lelaki beranggapan “Baiti Jannati”. Rumahku adalah surgaku dan penenang pikiranku. Jadi wajar jika Anda memelihara suasana rumah dan berperan sebagai bidadari rumah.
10). Kalau Anda menginginkan agar suami berlama-lama di rumah, maka jangan menyambutnya dengan masalah anak dan dapur.
11). Suami (mayoritas) suka kepada istri yang kreatif dalam soal memasak, menghias rumah, dan mengurus dirinya dalam melayani suami.
12). Tempat tidur adalah rahasia suami isteri. Jadikan dia kamar yang eksklusif dan pribadi. Suami tidak suka ruang tidurnya dimasuki orang tanpa izinnya.
13). Pantang bagi suami kalau sedang tidur diganggu. Hal ini akan
membuatnya marah. Jauhkan anak-anak darinya ketika dia tidur.

14). Pantang bagi suami kalau isteri menolak hajatnya kecuali jika
isterinya sedang sakit. “Apabila suami memanggilnya ke tempat tidur tetapi ditolaknya hingga suaminya marah, maka wanita itu tidur dalam laknat malaikat hingga pagi hari.” (HR. Muttafaqun ‘Alaihi).

15). Hanya ketaqwaan Anda yang dapat menguasai ego suami dan membantunya membentuk pribadi muslim yang tangguh serta menjadi suami ideal. Lelaki tidak mudah dengan ucapan cinta, tetapi cukup dengan keluhuran Anda dalam berkorban untuk taat dan menyayangi dirinya, karena lelaki hanya keras pikirannya tetapi sensitif perasaannya.
Wallaahu a’lam.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Puisi Untuk Ibu


Walau hari ini bukan hari ibu,,

Tetap kan ku ucap kata
Karena engkau pelita dalam kegelapan ku

Dan karna engkaui malaikat ku di dunia ini
Kasih mu,cinta mu,pelukan mu,dekapan mu
Bahkan kemarah,an mu!!!

Itu semua unt kebaikan ku
Aku sayang mama
Sampai Kapanpun....


Ibu kau mengandung 9 bulan
sampai engkau melahirkanku dengan susah paya
engkau merawatku sampai aku tumbuh besar
engkau juga merawatku tampa pamri
dan engkau juga merawatku dengan penuh kasih sayang

Ibu kau mengajariku berjalan sampai aku bisa berjalan
engkau juga mengajariku berbicara sampai aku bisa
Ibu kau bagaikan malaikatku
dikala aku sedih engkau selalu ada untuk menghiburku

Ibu.. aku juga merasa engkaulah pahlawanku
setiap aku kesusahan engkau selalu ada untuk membantuku
Ibu... bekerja keras
untuk menafkahiku
ibu... terima kasih atas pengorbananmu
yang engkau berikan kepada ku

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Funny Shampoo Advertisement


In an office, a conversation occurs between a boss and an employee.
Note: A: Boss
           B: Employee

A:    Diego !
B:    Yes?
A:    Did you do something with you hair?
B:    No. 
A:    Because I see that women's shampoo commercial effect, when you do like this.
B:    Really ?
A:    Maybe it's your shampoo.
        After that, the employee raises shows a pink shampoo and then he thought of when he was shampooing, then he run out of the office to go to the store and pick up a black shampoo. Then he shampooing, then look in the mirror and say "Women's shampoo isn't made for you." :)